I had been thinking about the things i should be writing in this particular blog but i couldn't find much to write about in the past few days except of one bad quiz which i did for QFI last Sunday.
Believe me it was bad and from the time 'Indian bank' came up as the first slide i realized there were going to be more problems;as you should be knowing a QFI quiz does really demand a certain amount of preparation which was lacking , all i had was a shoddy power-point presentation which insisted on giving the answers before the questions( which i can now fairly say is a tribute to the mind of Derek O Brien who used to conduct these types of rounds at my school) and i could sense the irritation of those who had arrived at P.S.Senior.
I didn't edit my work properly which gave rise to few more errors and my whole quiz of X,Y,A,B,M,N,I was irksome and due to lack of time i had merely pasted random articles from Wiki which didn't quite serve the purpose.
The people probably would have thought it a waste of time, if(ever again in my life i am to do a quiz) i promise a better show.
And i finally thank the members of QFI for being patient of all my ignorance and for not throwing me out. yes this will remain in memory as one bad quiz done.
Sorry to hear that. I guess you'll have to keep doing it to get the standard right, instead of quitting. Two quizzes that I have done in QFI went in opposite directions, with one being too simple and the other had less than half the questions answered (though I like to think that most were interesting questions).
I missed the meeting. Looking forward to seeing it in qfi-questions.
Will take up what you said in my head and give better quizzes in the future
thank you
Eh? It wasn't that bad! And at least your questions were pretty good. For suckfest kindly attend my quiz at the next meeting :P
please hand me the job of making the ppt for you the nxt time you do the quiz.. i'll use my cse knowledge and make it error free..! :P
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